Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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Posted by Liting at 1:54 AM

Monday, November 24, 2008

Contents Page

1. Introduction
1.1. Objective
1.2. Methodology of Research
1.3. Background of Singapore Biennale 2008

2. The Marketing Mix
2.1. Product
2.2. Place
2.3. Partnerships
2.4. Programming
2.5. Promotion (Communication)
2.6. People
2.7. Packaging and Distribution
2.8. Price

3. Tourism Roles and Economic Value

4. Conclusion

5. Proof of Visit & Pictures

6. Appendices

7. Bibliography

Posted by Liting at 11:33 PM


1.1. Objective
The objective of this report is to identify the various components of the event marketing mix had been adopted in Singapore Biennale 2008(SB2008) that I visited and evaluate how effective these components had been used to contribute towards the success of this event. In addition, it includes the role of this event to Singapore and its value to the tourism economy[1].

1.2. Methodology of Research
The method of research includes websites, books and newsletters, which will be included in the bibliography and appendices.

1.3. Background of Singapore Biennale 2008
The first Biennale was held in 2006 and it enhanced Singapore as an international centre and regional thought-leader in the fields of contemporary visual arts. The event was organized by the National Arts Council (Singapore), and it lasted for 72 days. The event attracted more than 883,000 visitors from worldwide and generated a cumulative media value of $19,300,000. The Biennale 2008 will not be just another event for the art world, but one that engages all sectors of the society and people across different sectors as it continues to break new grounds for creative expression[2].

Posted by Liting at 11:31 PM


Product mix refers to the combination of products and services, whether for free or for sale, that are aimed at the needs of the target market.

The product in this event will be the exhibitions, tours[3], talks[4] and activities[5] that were provided when visitors enter the venues.

The main focus of SB2008 is the exhibitions displayed in the different venues by 66 artists and art collectives from more than 35 countries and regions, presenting the best of both Asian and international art practices. The exhibitions play a huge role in this event as the main purpose of the visitors is to come and see the exhibitions.

SB2008 did a good job in managing the product mix because they met the needs of the target market, which are the art lovers and they are not too product-oriented. They also focus on making supplementary products such as guided tours, talks by artists and activities for all ages to cater to the whole market.

Guided and self-guided tours are also part of their product. They offer online audio guide in 2 languages[6] or guided tours at certain venues during scheduled times, especially on weekends. They target many different targets, which include almost everyone.

Hence, the scheduled days are mostly on weekends when there are crowds. They also provide group tours to large groups. I feel that having tours is good as they can guide the visitors instead of them walking aimlessly to look for the exhibits. In addition, not many people can understand the meaning behind the exhibit. With tours, be it guided or self-guided, the visitors can have a better understanding of the exhibits.

Talks by various artists participating in the Biennale are also held on different days and timings to let everyone know more about the artists who created the arts. In this way, the artists’ efforts will be recognized by the public, and not only their art work.

Moreover, the activities planned throughout the event such as the Biennale race[7] and school tours. I think the main objective of these activities is to attract more students to view the exhibitions so as to increase their interests in art and nurture future talents in Singapore.

I feel that the planners have done a good job in the marketing of the product mix because they covered all aspects of our five senses to allow the public to understand the exhibitions in-depth. They also met the needs and wants of the target market, especially those people who has little knowledge about art.

Posted by Liting at 11:30 PM


Place mix refers to the location and setting of the event. It also refers to all the channels available between the firm and the target market that increase the probability of getting the customer to the product.

The main venues[8] for the Biennale will be at the Singapore’s central area, which is between City Hall and Raffles City. The different venues where the exhibitions are showcased were within walking distance.

As the location is very accessible, many of the people can get there easily without travelling for too long. Moreover, the central area has a high human traffic, and the people who did not specially travel there to see the exhibits can also view the exhibits when they walk past the venues. Hence, they can expect more people to view the exhibits rather than only people who specially come for it. With higher human traffic, they can reach out to a bigger market.

I feel that the venues were well-selected, especially the City Hall building. There are many rooms which showcase different exhibits in different rooms. It gives the visitors a mysterious feel as we cannot expect what the next room will be like. In addition, other free admission venues such as Raffles City Shopping Mall showcased a few exhibits where shoppers can see them while shopping.

The location of the event can be made more accessible by providing customer service or maps at the train stations to assist the visitors to go to the various venues.

They sell their admission tickets[9] at the ticketing booth at City Hall and South Beach Development exhibition halls. However, the distribution network is too small as visitors can only buy the tickets at the booths, which may be having long queues. Also, there are no online distribution channels to allow foreign visitors to purchase their ticket in advance to save them the hassle of going to the booths to purchase.

Therefore, I feel that the distribution channels can be wider, such as buying tickets online or even available at the MRT stations so as to create awareness of this event. They can also include their partners by selling tickets at the partners’ companies at a special rate to attract more people to participate in the event.

Posted by Liting at 11:29 PM


Partnership mix refer to joint marketing initiatives with other partners as single events on their own, cannot achieve their marketing goals.

Most of the partners and sponsors of this event are big companies, such as Jet Airways, and government agencies, such as URA[10] and STB[11]. As this is a big scale event, the support from the government is very important. The Biennale was successful due the gover nm ent support and the strong sponsors and partners behind it.

The Singapore Flyer is one of the partners of the Biennale. They came up with a Singapore flyer package[12] which consists of the admission passes to all the venues and rides on the flyer at a special rate.

I think that the package enabled many visitors who came only for the ride on flyer to also experience Biennale at the same time, vice versa. Moreover, Biennale ticket holders are also entitled to discounts at the retail shops near the flyer. This increased the visitors spending at flyer, as well as generating human traffic to the Biennale.

I feel that there is still room for improvement for the marketing of partnership mix as this event has few partners to help them advertise about it. They can partner with more shopping malls in the vicinity of the event to generate higher traffic. For example, they can partner with Suntec City by providing cheaper admission fees or limited edition collectables when they shop in Suntec City. This can boost sales in the shopping mall and generate traffic for the event.

Posted by Liting at 11:28 PM

Promotion (Communication)

Promotion mix refers to all the communications between the firm and the target market that increase the tangibility of the product mix, that establish or monitor consumer expectations, or that persuade or induce consumers to purchase a product or spread information on it by word-of-mouth.

There are various promotions that this event has, such as Passion Card and McCafé. The beverage and retail outlets located at the Singapore flyer also have promotions in conjunction with the special package provided by the Singapore flyer.

All these promotions will help to create awareness about Biennale to the shoppers and card holders, which in turn help to advertise the event.

In addition, there is a one-for-one promotion12 for admission into the City Hall and South Beach Development venue. One can receive a complimentary ticket when accompanied by a full-paying adult.

Thus, this can increase the chances of people willing to visit the event as the admission seems cheaper. It can also reach out to big groups who want to visit the event, but unwilling to pay a high price. This also have a persuading effect on the visitors to purchase the product.

The posters and banners all over the city also help in creating the image of Biennale. The theme for this year’s Biennale is Wonder, and the design of the posters and banners brings out the image of the event and arouse interests in the potential visitors.

Accreditation[13] is required for the participation of the media, thus restricting the advertising of the event through media due to the procedures needed in order to get the permission. Hence, I suggest that they can have daily sections on the artists everyday, so that it will create awareness of the artists, as well as the event. They can put up advertisements on television and newspaper, with short previews of some free admission venues instead of only informing the people about the event.

Moreover, they did not do much on public relations and ongoing relationship building. They can approach schools for them to bring their students to the event, instead of waiting for schools to approach them, in this way; more people will be exposed to the event.

Posted by Liting at 11:27 PM


Programming mix is a marketing decision made by way of creating targeted benefits. There are talks[4] and tours[3] conducted during the event which is programs which can help the visitors understand more about the exhibits.

The talks held before and during the start of the event help in marketing of the event through media and the public as they are open to everyone. These talks are part of the programs for the events, but not the highlights. They are mainly talks by artists and press-conferences. It can help everyone to have a better understanding of the exhibits after the artists’ talks.

In addition, tours are held during weekends as part of the programs to enhance the experience during the event. All these programs are targeted to bring benefits to the visitors so as to guide them throughout their experience in the Biennale.

They also held a Kids’ Biennale[14] at the same time to reach out to bigger markets such as students. They have a 3 day program, Kids’ Day Out, conducted during the event, which includes art competition and windmill making, which involves the younger generation. They also have a dedicated section with themed rooms at the City Hall, showcasing the exhibits done by students.

All these are part of their efforts in promoting the education aspect of this event. I strongly feel that it is well done and it has achieved the objective of educating the younger generation and also marketing the event.

Thus, I think they have done well in programming the event as the Biennale is a long event and they tried to create programs for the visitors to keep them engaged. They made the experience more tangible by providing tours and talks, which can help to form images in the visitors’ minds first, before viewing at the exhibits aimlessly.

However, the main focus became the younger generation, and there were few programs for the adults, except the tours and talks. They can also involve the adults in more programs such as the race or the art competitions, instead of only the youths participating.

Posted by Liting at 11:27 PM


People mix refers to the people who work in an organization and how their attitudes, work ethic and disposition affect the service delivery.

The organizing committee[15] chairman for this event is the National Arts Council CEO, and the members are from the different companies and government agencies. I think that this allow people with different expertise to come together to plan the event, which can minimize the probability of problems arising as they have different thinking and ideas which can contribute to the planning of the event.

However, the staff at the ticketing booth and staff stationed in the event are important too. The visitors will be in contact with them and not the organizing committee. The staffs at the ticketing booth were friendly and approachable. They can see that we are students and immediately informed us that students can enjoy half-price admission. If they did not mention, we would have paid the full price. They put themselves in our shoes and think in the perspective of a visitor. I think that they have done well in recognizing the visitors’ needs and wants.

I feel that the staff stationing at the various exhibits area were not very professional. Most of them are sitting down, doing their own things, and not receiving the visitors. It will be a bad impression for the visitors especially foreigners. Moreover, they do not know much about the exhibits and how to get around the place.

Thus, I will suggest that they should have a training workshop before the event and brief the staff at the frontline about the exhibits and getting around the venues. This can contribute to better management of customer relationship. With polite and knowledgeable staff to welcome the visitors, this can improve the experience by the visitors. They can also choose to hire people with artistic knowledge, so as to minimize the trainings needed.

Good management of the people mix can enhance the experience of the visitors as they will feel more secure if the staffs are knowledgeable and approachable. Moreover, the staffs will shape the event’s image, which may affect future Biennales.

Posted by Liting at 11:26 PM

Packaging & Distribution

Packaging and Distribution mix refers to combining elements offered for sale at a single price to form a package and making the event more attractive by lowering costs, maximizing convenience or providing value-added in form of extra features that cannot be obtained otherwise. When selling packages, distribution network becomes important.

An example of packaging will be the Singapore Flyer Special Package[12] for Singapore Biennale. Biennale Pass holders enjoy special rates for the flyer flight when they present their full-price Biennale admission tickets. They also enjoy discounts at various retail and beverage outlets at the Singapore Flyer. These discounts provided will make the event more attractive to the consumers as there are many price benefits.

Another example will be the group tours provided by the event planners, where big groups or schools can apply for guided tours and at special rates if they are the discounted groups. So, this can motivate big groups, especially schools, as students enjoy special rates, to visit the event as there are lesser barriers to entry. Registration is also quick and easy.

They also have discounts such as 30% off admission fees for Passion Card holders and a free short guide, and 20% discount for customers who purchased McCafé meal and a free short guide.

All these discounts are part of packaging, by attracting people who buy McCafé meals and people who have Passion Card to purchase the Biennale Pass for the event, they can increase visitor arrivals. In addition, the complimentary short guide is a value-added feature which is also a benefit for the visitors so that can have more explanation about the exhibits. These advantages will boost both the Biennale and their partners’ business indirectly.

I will suggest that they can involve more partner businesses in a larger scale to provide more discounts so as to attract more visitors. They can collaborate with Suntec City Mall to have complimentary collectables when they shop at the mall or free passes when they spend certain amount at the mall.

In all, packaging is important to boost the effect of marketing, but we need good distribution channels to make sure that the packages are brought to the right target markets and achieve the marketing objectives. However, the distribution channels were limited in this case, as mentioned in the Place mix. The event needs more distribution channels so as to attract more visitors to come.

Posted by Liting at 11:25 PM


Price mix refers to the combination of prices that consumers are offered to purchase a product.

There are various discounts available for different groups of people for this event. A single-entry pass costs $10, with a one-time entry to both the City Hall exhibition hall and South Beach Development exhibition hall. Visitors can use the pass to enter anytime, any day within the event dates, for once. They can also present this pass to the Singapore Flyer to enjoy the flight at a discounted rate.

Hence, it was convenient for the visitors as some of them could not finish looking at all the exhibits in a day, and they can still visit it another day. Moreover, there are many discounts with the pass in hand when they visit Singapore Flyer. There is also a free copy of the exhibition’s short guide which can give them a more detailed explanation of the exhibits.

For full-time students, senior citizens and children above 3 years old, they can enjoy a 50% discount off the admission fees. These 3 groups are the lower income group and to attract them to come, the organizers gave them a 50% discount, with the same benefits as the full-price admission pass. Hence, as these groups are the more price-sensitive groups, lowering the price can attract them to come.

Limited edition collectables[16] are also available for sale, such as the Biennale t-shirts, the short guides (which is not available for the one-for-one complimentary ticket), books by artists and tote bags. The tote bag and short guide are sold for $6 each, which is quite affordable. Whereas the books are priced at $28/$128, depending on which book, which is mostly targeted at the art fans of the author.

I feel that the planners have managed the price mix very well as they adjusted the price according to different market needs and wants. For the professionals, they do provide professional tours for them at a price too. They cater to different needs of the various markets so as to maximize the probability that they will purchase their product. They even have limited edition items available so as to attract the collectors to buy. Hence, I think they managed the price mix well in terms of the price and costing.

Posted by Liting at 11:24 PM

Tourism roles and economic value

The Biennale is the largest international contemporary visual arts exhibition that is held all over the world and normally lasts about 70 days. Biennale is Italian for “every other year”, which means the event happens every 2 years. The last Biennale was in 2006.

3.1. Event as Attraction
The event itself is an attraction because the Biennale has been held in many countries and it is internationally recognized by all the art fans all over the world. People from all over the world will come to see the exhibitions because the event has become an attraction itself. It does not require much marketing because the artists are willing to travel from far to the event destination just to be part of the event. The Biennale in 2006 attracted more than 883,000 visitors from world-wide to see the 95 artists’ works and 38 art collectives from 38 countries and regions. From this, we can see that Biennale itself is an attraction and definitely has a high demand in the art industry.

This event also generated high media value and audiences, which helped to open Singapore to the world. The event brought high visitor arrivals and increase the spending of the tourists as the event is long and they will extend their length of stay in order not to miss any of the programs.

3.2. Event as Animator

Most people will feel that art exhibitions will be boring and uninteresting. However, the planners did well in their marketing efforts by making the experience more tangible. They have many programs like the Kids’ Biennale, art competitions, races, tours and talks. Most of the programs are targeted at the younger generation because they want to educate the younger generation and develop their art talents. The tours and talks can guide the people visiting the exhibitions so that they will not feel too bored when they are looking at the exhibits.

With clear explanation of the exhibits, viewers can have a better and in-depth understanding of the exhibits and learn to appreciate the art. The races conducted for the youth is also a good way to make the event less mundane by bringing them through the venues, which can arouse their interest in this event and visit the exhibitions. The planners did a great job in making the art exhibition a fun-filled event instead of the past mundane visual experience only.

The Biennale this year was held in various venues such as City Hall and Raffles City Shopping Mall. The City Hall used to be a place where war agreements were signed and court hearings held. However, it is to be Singapore’s National Art Gallery by 2013. City Hall was the main venue for this event as most of the exhibits are displayed there. By having Biennale at City Hall, it creates awareness of this place to the people, especially the younger generation, to visit this place and get to know the history of this place. In all, the Biennale was successful because it can change the image of the uninteresting art exhibition, to a fascinating experience with arts.

3.3. Event as Image maker
As mentioned above, the Biennale was successful because it is able to shape the image of the art festival in the peoples’ minds and change their negative perception of arts event. In the past, Singapore did not have the image as a place for arts.

The Biennale shapes the image of Singapore as a place for arts when they held the event here. It is indirectly telling the world, come to Singapore for this art festival, Singapore can be a place for art too! Part of the efforts was by the government, by educating the younger generation to appreciate art and developing art talents in Singapore. Hence, the Biennale in Singapore also included many aspects of education, so as to teach the future generations.

3.4. Event as Place Marketing

The City Hall is soon to be Singapore’s National Art Gallery. By holding the event there, it can help City Hall to create the image in peoples’ minds first before it is converted into an art gallery. The event indirectly tells everyone that the City Hall building is not the place for war agreements and court hearings in the past, but a place for art exhibits to be showcased. After shaping the image of the destination, the government will have no worries about after converting it to an art gallery; nobody will know about it or visit it, because in their minds, the City Hall building has became an art gallery.

In addition, the theme for this year Biennale is Wonder[17]. There are many rooms in the City Hall and there is one exhibit in one room. It gives people a mysterious feeling because you don’t know what to expect in the next room. Every room is a wonder in different ways and visitors can feel the different meanings of wonder in the artists’ works. The image of these solemn rooms can also be changed when they induced the ‘wonder’ theme into it.

3.5. Event as Catalyst
The Biennale was a good example for an event as a catalyst. This is because the event can boost the economy of Singapore by bringing in more tourists and generating more tourist receipts. As mentioned, Singapore did not used to have the image of art. After this event, I am sure that many of the artists will also recognize Singapore as a place not only for business, but for art too.

The event also will stimulate more business and trade opportunities in the art industry, which will boost our image. It is the first step that we will take to move towards a more artistic image. The next step is followed by the Singapore’s National Art Gallery and there may be more opportunities. The Esplanade is also an art centre which is located in the city. All these factors and opportunities will then shape Singapore into an art centre in future.

3.6. Economic Value

The Biennale in 2006 brought in a cumulative media value for print of approximately $19,300,000 and over 103,000,000 audiences worldwide. The tourist arrivals and receipts it can generate will greatly boost our economy and bring up the low-peak season during September to November. Moreover, the image that the event helps to shape Singapore is a value that cannot be calculated. The future opportunities that are brought by the event also cannot be computed, but they definitely will benefit us. Hence, the economical value of this event is huge to Singapore.

Posted by Liting at 11:08 PM


In conclusion, the Biennale 2008 has done well in the overall marketing of the event, but they can improve on the distribution channels of the event so as to reach out to more people. They can also include more partners and sponsors for the event to make it a bigger scale. If they are going to target the younger generation, they can also collaborate with schools or the Ministry of Education to expose the students to more of these art festivals. Moreover, the value of this event to Singapore was significant and important in helping us shape the image as an art centre.

In a nutshell, the marketing mix was done well in most of the aspects and the economical value brought to Singapore was immeasurable.

Posted by Liting at 11:05 PM

Proof of Visit & Pictures

On our way to City Hall:

Kids' Biennale:

Art Exhibits:

Posted by Liting at 11:04 PM


1) With reference to field trip assignment brief

2) Singapore Biennale 2006 - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/pastbiennale.html

3) Guided Tours - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/guidedtours.html

4) Talks and Press Conferences - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/programme-encounters.php

5) Programs - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/programmes.html

6) Self-Guided Tours - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/self-guidedtours.html

7) Biennale Race - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/educationoutreach.html#biennalerace

8) Venues - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/venues.html

9) Tickets - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/tickets.html

10) Urban Redevelopment Authority - http://www.ura.gov.sg/

11) Singapore Tourism Board - http://app.stb.gov.sg/asp/index.asp?

12) Singapore Flyer Package and Discounts - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/promotions.html

13) Media Accreditation - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/pressroom.html

14) Kids Biennale - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/kidsbiennale.html

15) Organizer - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/organiser.html

16) Limited Edition Collectables - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/shop.html

17) Theme - http://www.singaporebiennale.org/theme.html

Posted by Liting at 10:21 PM

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Allen, J. et al. (2005). Festival and Special Events (3rd Ed). Milton, Queensland: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.

Shoemaker, S., Shaw, M. (2007). Marketing Essentials in Hospitality and Tourism: foundations and practices. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Kids’ Biennale 2008 (2008). About Kids’ Biennale. Retrieved from: http://www.jet4arts.com/kidsbiennale/aboutkidsbiennale.htm. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Government of Singapore (2006). Singapore Tourism Board. Retrieved from: http://app.stb.gov.sg/asp/index.asp?. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Urban Redevelopment Authority (2006). URA. Retrieved from: http://www.ura.gov.sg/. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Flyer Pte Ltd (2008). Singapore Flyer. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporeflyer.com/. Last accessed: 24 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Homepage. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Singapore Biennale 2006. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/pastbiennale.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Guided Tours. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/guidedtours.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Talks and Press Conferences. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/programme-encounters.php. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Programs. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/programmes.html Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Self-guided Tours. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/self-guidedtours.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Biennale Race. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/educationoutreach.html#biennalerace. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Venues. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/venues.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Tickets. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/tickets.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Singapore Flyer Package. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/promotions.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Press Room. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/pressroom.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Kids Biennale. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/kidsbiennale.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Organizer. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/organiser.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Limited Edition Collectables. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/shop.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale (2008). Theme. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/theme.html. Last accessed: 23 November 2008

Singapore Biennale 2008 Guidebook

Singapore Biennale 2008 Newsletter

Field trip assignment brief

Posted by Liting at 8:19 PM